O.G.C integrated QHSE Management System provides the framework for QHSE management and continual improvement throughout all our businesses, products and activities from design, construction and operation. Through the implementation of our ISO 9001 ,ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 QHSE certified Management System.

OGC believe that the key to Build long lasting relationships with the
customers is based on quality, therefore OGC promoted an effective
quality management system

OGC believe that we have to protect and promotes the health of employees, contractors and the surrounding community, through improvement of industrial hygiene, ergonomics, healthy lifestyle, application of preventive medical recommendations and safety to reduce work-related health risks.

OGC promote QHSE MS to ensure that we carry out appropriate action to comply with all applicable regulations governing construction, general industry and client requirement and to provide a standard procedure for all work activities necessary for the enforcement of health and safety policy.

OGC believe that we have to protect the environment, minimize environmental impact, prevent contaminations through comply with environmental laws and regulatory requirements.